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The Hit Zone Jr Is A Great Way To Get
 Your Kid Started In Tee Ball!

The Hit Zone air tee is a fantastic way to get your son or daughter started in Tee Ball. The Hit Zone practice tee will fascinate them with the way the ball spins in mid-air.  It's like magic! When they are having fun, they are going to want to practice, practice, and practice some more!

The Hit Zone is easy to use! You or your child simply place the practice ball onto the stream of air and swing away. You can use a plastic bat and light weight training balls, creating a fun and safe environment for your child to practice. During the winter, they can even practice in the basement!

It's important, even at this young age, to learn the fundamentals. The Hit Zone air tee requires your child to stay focused on the ball as it does move around. Kids also get frustrated easily on a standard tee when they knock it over or hit it. They often adjust their swing upwards or downwards so they avoid hitting the tee when they should be swinging
on a level plane. Not a problem with the Hit Zone. The air is delivered with a fabric sleeve. If their bat hits the "tee", no problem, the bat swings right through it!

We have set up the Hit Zone a number of times at our kid's school carnivals and the kids line up all day to try it. Even the 2-3 year olds swing away. They love it!

If your kids ever tried the jump house air tee and loved it- now they can have it in their own back yard!



Includes 8 Balls!

"The Hit Zone air tee has put the fun in fundamentals. My son was already tired of hitting off an old fashion tee, now it's an exciting part of our daily routine. Not only is it a serious training tool, but it's also a fun family activity for us. We have had so much fun with it, we have family members calling us up to visit, saying "don't forget the Hit Zone". 

It has been the best investment we have made in our son's baseball future. Money well spent!"

Kevin Harvison

"Daelyn loves his new HitZone Jr!! Since he has gotten it, he says his contact with the ball has gotten better as well as his power. Not only is it a good training tool for him... he enjoys it! He enjoys hitting off of it when it's just him, but he also enjoys going outside with his friends and practicing!! It's a great training tool for the kids but it's also fun, which is the best part!!!" 

Daelyn's Mom 

"Daelyn is out hitting off his new Hit Zone JR every day. He loves how the ball floats and moves around and doesn't just sit there. With the ball moving around, his eye hand coordination has drastically  increased!

Before every game he'll put in at least 30 minutes on the Hit Zone Jr and his batting success shows its paying off! Daelyn has put the bat on the ball every game and has batted several runs in and has gotten on base!!!!!!

The best part about the Hit Zone is that he enjoys hitting off it. You don't have to make him go out and practice because he's already there!" 

Daelyn's Grandpa

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