Hit Zone Deluxe - Floats A Real Baseball In Mid-Air!
Hit Zone Deluxe W/ Variable Speed Control Model B3-HZBV
The Hit Zone Deluxe air tee is a great unit or teams, camps, and training facilities. At the same time, a lot of parents buy this unit for the added power and flexibility the air volume control gives them.
The Deluxe unit has a 4.0 HP motor with a control knob that allows you to adjust the power of the air flow. Especially when using lighter training balls, you are able to adjust the height of the ball up and down about 6-9 inches. There is not as much of a difference
when using heavier balls as you have to turn up the air to begin with.
You can also change the "look of the pitch" by using the bonus 14.5 inch sleeve, varying the way you place the ball onto the air stream and by using a variety of different balls.

The Hit Zone Deluxe works great with
a variety of the lighter weight training balls!
Watch the video for a sampling.
Feel free to try your own!


Technical Specs:
HIT ZONE "DELUXE PLUS" Baseball Practice Tee with VARIABLE CONTROL. Body Of Steel Power Unit Assembled with 1200 Watt, Twin Fan, 1.7 PHP, 120 Volt Motor, and 12' Grounded Power Cord Produces 130 CFM. Includes: Home Plate, 6 Dimpled Plastic Balls and a 9" and 14.5" Fabric Sleeve
w/Hose Clamp.